Today has been a lovely day, nice and sunny, clear skies for the most of the day. It's been amazing. BUT, I have one complaint.
It's too fucking hot.
I'm not a big fan of hot weather, I'll admit that. I really dislike it. It makes you sweaty, and tired. It's uncomfortable to go out and do things in. Give me cold weather any day. Give me snow any day rather than hot weather.
Flies! They're everywhere at the moment! Fucking little pests that they are. And other insects, they all come out to play in the hot weather. I dislike insects as well, silly tiny things. Always getting in the way. At least the flies get caught by the spiders, but then spiders are an entirely different problem in themselves.
And since it's summer, I have horrible hayfever. I was going to get some anti-histamines after work today, but the stupid pharmacy closed at 2pm because it's a Saturday. *grumble* *grumble*
Anywho, other than that, it hasn't been a bad day. Had work, but can't complain too much about that. Most of the people I dislike don't work today, which makes it slightly more tolerable than most days that I work. I shouldn't really complain about them, because its probably the best job that they can get. Ah well.
In other news, I am working on the next PSA, it will probably be out on Friday, I am going to try to get one out a week. This next one is about bees. Oh I hate bees so much, but I won't go on about them here, since thats what the PSA will be for.
Well, that is about it for today. I hope that I can sleep tonight with the hot weather. Wish me luck!
EDIT: Fuck I need anti-histamines! My hayfever is now triggering my asthma, so when ever I cough or sneeze, my lungs feel itchy. Yes, my actual lungs feel itchy. It's not my back, or my sides, I can feel the itchyness inside my body. It's my lungs.
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